fredag 4 april 2014

A Swedish Tiger

First of all sorry for not posting in a long time life have been very busy lately. Since I have not seen any good sites with swedish militaria with english description I will continue to post!

Anyway I want to show you the most popular swedish ww2 symbol and still is popular today. The symbol was designed by Bertil Almqvist who got the assignment from SIS (States information board). They used the symbol for a vigilance campaign to urge the public to stay silent about everything that could harm the neutral Sweden, mostly things regarding the swedish defence and military. 

The symbol and slogan is very clever, "En svensk tiger" in swedish. In one hand it could mean "A swedish tiger" but there is another meaning and the intention was "A swede stay quiet" well it does not seem fun and not much sence if you do not understand swedish, however I will try to explain. Tiger and to stay quiet is the same word in swedish.

This is a pin version of the symbol, it says "Jag" wich means "I" and the the tiger means to "stay silent", "I stay silent". As you can see mine is a bit worn but notice the swedish colours on the tiger!

There were not only pins you could also see them as signs hanging at cafés

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