måndag 10 juni 2013

A small bit of insight into a soldier's life

Hello all,
Here is something special I would like to show you. These are 3 pictures/postcards an unknown soldier painted during the war somewhere in Sweden. The pictures shows himself in different scenarios and they are actually quite funny so whoever draw them must have been a funny guy. Unfortunatley they are sealed and mounted in frames so I am not able to see the back if something is written and I do not feel like ruin the items by tearing open the frames. 

During the war many soldiers suffered from homesickness and boredom. Since Sweden was never invaded or something like that, most of the service was just guard duty and exercises.   Must have been rough just to wait and never to know if the enemy could attack at any time during the years 1939-45.

These pictures tell a little bit about a soldiers everyday life:

This is an easter greeting. The bird in the egg says "it is so damn crowded". The text on the egg is "crown marked preparedness eggs". And the last bit of text says "I beg to express my happy Easter greetings" and down in the bottom"we got 2 eggs per man during the easter '41"

Here we can see the soldier laying under a tree smoking pipe and thinking about home. The text on the top says "homesickness". Note the radio playing Sweet Sue, favourite song perhaps?

The top text says "By the way I am clean, so I do not see why I should bathe". The next piece of text I do not know how to translate but it is probably something like "dopey" or "tomfool". Lastly in the bottom it says "This kid is supposed to be me".

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