måndag 27 maj 2013

Defence Loan - for DEFENCE and WORK

The preparedness of arming the swedish defence could not be implemented with the available state funds in the beginning of ww2. Large supplementation was required and they were forced to turn to the public. By using the propaganda skillfully they managed to catch the attention of saving clubs in the workplace, companies and large organizations. Millions were raised by selling the defence bonds. Three atempts were made during 1940-42. 

Exakt source of this pin is unknown to me. However it was probably given to those who took part in the defence loan meetings since their slogan was "for defence and work" 

  • First defense loan
Started in April 25, 1940 and ended November 1, 1940. About 800 million were raised.

  • Second defense loan
Started in January 15, 1941 and ended ??? About 610 million were raised.

  • Third defense loan
Started in the spring of 1942 and ended May 15, 1942. About 915 million were raised. 

This pin was given to people who bought defence bonds during the third defence loan. 

This is a for defence and loan pin but with a wartime modification. Four norwegian flags has been attached to the backside of the pin. Probably a commemorative to the occupied Norway.


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